Elect Rachel Librach for El Dorado County Office of Education Area 1

Businesswoman. Entrepreneur. Journalist.


















My Pledge to You:

  • Transparency for Parents
  • Freedom of School Choice
  • Classroom’s Focus on Core Academics

Why I am running

El Dorado County Office of Education Board (EDCOE) proudly pioneered school choice opening the first County Office of Education charter school in the state. Recently, teacher unions have openly opposed local charter schools because they present an alternative school choice.

Rather than opposing healthy competition, I encourage parents’ power to choose a school that better aligns with their values or learning needs. This synergy drives innovation and academic excellence, benefiting charter and public schools as well as the student.

Today’s legislation is aiming to drive a wedge between parents and their children, making them vulnerable to outside influence, alienating children from their families and introducing them to sensitive subjects outside of parents’ knowledge and oversight.

Serving on the EDCOE Board, I will be your VOICE for freedom of school choice. If elected, I commit to full transparency for parents, classrooms’ focus on core academics, upholding our community values, and the priority of every student’s learning needs. Let’s make our schools an institution we can continue to be proud of, be the light that sparks our children’s futures, and let’s make our classroom learning great again!


On November 5th, vote for Rachel Librach for El Dorado County Office of Education Area 1.